
How to Sell on Amazon Without Inventory

Amazon is one of the most popular online marketplaces in the world, and it’s a great place to sell products. However, many people don’t have the time or resources to manage their inventory. That’s where selling on Amazon without inventory comes in.

There are a few different ways to sell on Amazon without inventory. In this article, we’ll discuss three of the most popular methods: dropshipping, Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), and selling digital products.


Dropshipping is a retail fulfilment method where the seller doesn’t keep the products they sell in stock. Instead, when a customer places an order, the seller purchases the product from a third-party supplier and has it shipped directly to the customer.

Dropshipping is a great way to sell on Amazon without inventory because it eliminates the need to store and ship products yourself. This can save you a lot of time and money, and it can also make it easier to get started selling on Amazon.

To start dropshipping on Amazon, you’ll need to find a reliable supplier who can dropship products for you. There are several dropshipping directories available online, such as SaleHoo and Doba. Once you’ve found a supplier, you’ll need to create a product listing on Amazon.

When creating your product listing, be sure to include all of the relevant information, such as the product title, description, images, and price. You’ll also need to set your product’s fulfilment method to Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA).

FBA is Amazon’s fulfilment service, which means that Amazon will store your products, pack and ship them to customers, and handle customer service. This can be a great way to improve your customer experience and increase your sales.

Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA)

FBA is another popular way to sell on Amazon without inventory. With FBA, you send your products to Amazon’s fulfilment centres, and Amazon takes care of the rest. This includes storing your products, packing and shipping them to customers, and handling customer service.

FBA can be a great way to sell on Amazon because it can help you save time and money. You don’t have to worry about storing or shipping products yourself, and you can take advantage of Amazon’s large customer base.

To start selling on Amazon with FBA, you’ll need to create an Amazon Seller Central account and sign up for the FBA program. You’ll then need to send your products to Amazon’s fulfilment centres.

Once your products are in Amazon’s fulfilment centres, they’ll be available for purchase on Amazon. When a customer places an order, Amazon will pack and ship the product to the customer.

Selling Digital Products

Selling digital products is another way to sell on Amazon without inventory. Digital products are products that are delivered electronically, such as eBooks, software, music, and video courses.

Selling digital products on Amazon is a great way to make money online because you don’t have to worry about storing or shipping physical products. You can simply create your digital product and upload it to Amazon.

To start selling digital products on Amazon, you’ll need to create an Amazon Seller Central account and sign up for the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program. KDP is Amazon’s self-publishing platform, which allows you to publish and sell your digital products on Amazon.

Once you’ve signed up for KDP, you can create your digital product and upload it to Amazon. When a customer purchases your digital product, Amazon will deliver it to the customer electronically.


Selling on Amazon without inventory is a great way to start an online business or expand an existing business. There are several different ways to sell on Amazon without inventory, and the best method for you will depend on your specific needs and goals.

If you’re looking for a way to sell products without having to store or ship them yourself, then dropshipping or FBA are two great options. And if you’re looking to sell digital products, then KDP is a great way to get started.

No matter which method you choose, selling on Amazon without inventory can be a great way to make money online. So what are you waiting for? Start selling today!


How To Do Keyword Research For Blog Posts

Maybe you’re just starting out blogging or you’ve been going at it for a while and you’re not seeing any results. This is a common issue amongst first-time, beginner and even seasoned bloggers. the system of keyword research is an absolutely essential part of blogging if you want traffic.

Why Is Keyword Research Important For Your Blog?

Keyword research is the process of identifying the keywords that people are using to search for information online. By understanding what keywords your target audience is using, you can optimise your blog posts to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This will help you attract more traffic to your blog, which can lead to increased readership and engagement, and opens up the opportunity to create a revenue stream.

If you just blog for fun or as a hobby, then keyword research may not be as important to you. However, if you want to get traffic and make money from your blog, then keyword research is an essential foundation process.

Keyword research is an ongoing process. As your blog grows and your target audience changes, you will need to continue to research new keywords and update your old posts to target those keywords. However, the time and effort that you put into keyword research will be well worth it in the long run.

Keyword Research Tools

There are loads of keyword research tools on the market today. And everyone has an opinion on which one is best. so it can be confusing knowing even where to start. Semrush, Ahrefs and Moz are the three big players today in this marketplace.

But these tools are very expensive for bloggers just starting out who can’t afford to shelve out over $100 per month looking for keyword ideas. Google Keyword Planner is a free option but it’s very limited.

However, the tool that I have ended up using for years is a budget version of the aforementioned big industry players. This tool is called KeySearch.

Keysearch was something of a revelation to me when I found it. It does more or less everything you need to get started with serious keyword research.

It may not have all the massive capabilities and huge databases of its bigger cousins. But for a blogger who wants to get started, it is perfect.

In this article, I’m going to take you through a practical tutorial on how I do keyword research.

Sign Up

Sign up for a KeySearch account. You can get a free trial to test out the tool before you commit to a paid plan.


Start off by choosing a seed keyword. This is the main keyword that you want to target with your content. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about how to make a chocolate cake, your seed keyword might be “chocolate cake recipe.”

I start off by using the Brainstorm tool. Type in your idea – this is what you want to write about. The purpose of this is the fundamental idea behind keyword research – to write for what people are actually searching for!

In this example, I’m going to start off with ‘chocolate cake recipe’.

The tool will give you lists of active searches on Google, Yahoo, Bing and more. Pick one you like and think you can write a detailed, informative, and helpful post.

First things first, we’ve got to be realistic. It’s not possible if you have a new blog that you will be able to rank for such a broad term as ‘chocolate cake recipe’. This is why we need to drill down into what is known as ‘longtail keyphrases’. These are key phrases which are made up of more words – which should – in theory – be easier to rank for than a ‘shorttail’ – or broad search term.

So let’s go with ‘gluten free chocolate cake recipe’ which I can see two-thirds of the way down under the Yahoo listings. This is an example of a longtail search term.

Click on the keyphrase of your choice then click the button that says ‘Research’.

Keyword Research

Now we are in the guts of the platform – this is the Keyword Research page where we can get a great amount of detail. Firstly look at the score Keysearch is giving our chosen keyphrase.

The higher the score, the more difficult it will be to rank for this term. A score of 43 means the competition is ‘moderate’.

However, I want to make my life a little easier, so I want to pick a keyword in green – where the competition is ‘easy-moderate’. The term ‘vegan gluten free chocolate cake’ has a green score of 38 – and it also has a relatively high search volume of 1900. This is the average number of searches a month for this term.

Insider Tip for Bloggers

Here’s an insider tip – pay attention to the sites that show up in the search preview (below). If they are also blogs or sites similar to ours, then it’s a good bet that this is a good keyword to go for. If not, for example, if the term is populated by online stores, government sites or news sites for example, then you may want to look at another search term.

Using Content Assistant

Now we come to the meat of the matter. It’s time to write your blog. And Keysearch has a handy tool for this too. Click on the Content Assistant link at the top of the page. In the left-hand section, there is an area where you can start typing your blog post. And in the right-hand area, you will see the information below.

For this keyphrase, as you will see above, we are given the competition rating and more vital pieces of information. We are told that the average word count for a 1st page on Google ranking web page is 2,949 words. this is what you should be aiming for if you want to get the first page. No one said it was going to be easy, but again these are just guidelines.

Below that is the real gold though. Recommended keywords. These are words or phrases that you should be including in your blog post. These are doubly helpful as they can steer your post in the right direction by using them as sub-topics under your main keyphrase.

Helpfully, the yellow flashes beside each phrase will turn blue as you include them in your article.

So these are the basics. What’s important is to get started. Don’t fret trying to find the perfect keyphrase. Get going and try to get 10 or 15 fully keyword-researched posts under your belt.


Why My Blog Is Not Getting Traffic – And Exactly What To Do About It

Are you struggling to get traffic to your blog? You’re not alone. Many inexperienced bloggers struggle with this issue. There are a number of reasons why your blog might not be getting traffic, but don’t worry, there are also a number of things you can do to fix the problem.

In this blog post, we will discuss 10 of the most common reasons why bloggers ask why their blog is not getting traffic. We will also provide specific actions on how to fix each of these problems.

1. You’re not writing about what people are searching for.

The first step to getting traffic to your blog is to write about topics that people are actually interested in – and more importantly – searching for. If you’re not sure what people are searching for, you will end up writing blog posts that will never be seen by anyone! It’s hard enough at the best of times to get your posts ranked. But if you’re not doing keyword research, you are falling at the first hurdle.

Action: Keysearch is a fantastic and reasonably priced tool which can get you started with proper keyword research. Try it out – it will enable you to perform detailed keyword research, competition analysis and much more. There’s a free month’s trial – and at the time of writing the basic plan is $17 per month. I personally have been using this tool for years and would not be without it. I even used it to research keywords for this blog post!

Once you have a list of keywords, you can use them to help you choose topics for your blog posts. When you’re writing your posts, make sure to include the relevant keywords in your title, throughout your content, and in your meta descriptions.

2. Your blog posts are poorly written.

Even if you’re writing about topics people are interested in, if your blog posts are poorly written, people won’t stick around to read them. Make sure your posts are well-written and free of errors.

You should also use a variety of writing styles to keep your readers engaged. For example, you can use lists, images, and videos to break up your text.

Readers have short attention spans and a large page of text can be quite off-putting.

Action: Use Grammarly to make sure your blog posts are free of spelling and grammatical errors. There’s a free version which can get you started.

3. You’re not promoting your blog.

Once you’ve written some great blog posts, you need to let people know about them. There are a number of ways to promote your blog, including social media, email marketing, and guest blogging.

Social media is a great way to get the word out about your blog. You can share your posts on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You can also use social media to interact with your readers and build relationships.

Email marketing is another great way to promote your blog. You can collect email addresses from your readers when they sign up for your blog or download one of your free resources. You can then send out regular email newsletters with links to your latest blog posts.

Guest blogging is a great way to get exposure for your blog. When you guest blog on another website, you’ll be able to reach a new audience of readers.

Action: Create social media accounts for your blog. TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn are the most popular social media platforms. Pinterest is also an option for bloggers. Importantly, only create accounts you are going to use. maybe you love LinkedIn or live your life on Twitter. Play to your strengths and get involved in communities and discussions on your chosen platform. Put time and effort in and you’ll start to see results.

4. Your website is slow.

If your website is slow, people will be less likely to stick around. Ensure your website loads quickly by optimising your images and using a reliable web hosting provider.

Action: Still slow? Consider using a CDN (Content Delivery Network). One of the most popular is CloudFlare.

5. You’re not using SEO.

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing your website so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and gains more search engine traffic. There are an almost unlimited number of things you can do to improve your SEO, however, some of the main things you can do are:

  • Use relevant high-volume keywords,
  • Create high quality blog content which can actually help people (i.e. it hasn’t just been generated to rank)I
  • Improve your existing content
  • Build qualit backlinks

Action: if you want a shortcut to getting started with optimising your site, try installing the Yoast Plugin on your WordPress site which will guide you and grade your post’s SEO score as you build your page and content.

6. You’re not building relationships.

In the online world, it’s all about relationships. If you want to get traffic to your blog, you need to build relationships with other bloggers and influencers. You can do this by commenting on their blogs, sharing their content, and reaching out to them for collaboration opportunities.

Action: Join a Facebook Group where you can chat with fellow bloggers in your niche. In m experience, bloggers in these groups are surprisingly helpful and supportive. Facebook Groups are a great place to build relationships, which can lead to backlinks, insider hints and tips and all sorts of good stuff.

7. You’re not patient.

It takes time to build a successful blog. Don’t expect to start getting thousands of visitors overnight. Just keep writing great content, promoting your blog, and building relationships, and eventually, you’ll start to see results.

Action: There isn’t really an action here. The action is to do nothing and be patient.

8. You’re giving up too easily.

One of the biggest mistakes bloggers make is giving up too easily. If you don’t see results immediately, it’s easy to get discouraged and quit. But if you stick with it, you will eventually see success.

Action: Keep going. If you feel like giving up, read some inspirational quotes about not giving up.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to getting more traffic to your blog. Just remember to be patient and keep working hard.


How To Create A High Converting Land Page – The Definitive Guide

In order to create a high-converting landing page that brings in leads and more business, a number of components must be in alignment.

This article is all about generating conversions for a PPC campaign but there’s no reason why you can’t apply the principles here to other channels.

Key elements of a high-converting landing page

You can create unique products or services. You can also research markets to ensure your audience will like and buy your product or service.

You can also spend thousands on an online advertising strategy. But if your website doesn’t convert visitors into leads or sales, then your business has ever potential to end disastrously.

That’s where landing pages come in. Generally speaking, a landing page is a one-page ‘mini-site’ that sits usually separately from your main website, sometimes on a sub-domain.

A great landing page comprises a number of key elements, including:

  • Landing page copy
  • Landing page design
  • Value proposition
  • Landing page optimization

More specifically, precise elements of your landing page that you will need to consider will be:

  • A hero image
  • A call to action button
  • A unique selling point
  • Form placement
  • Colour scheme
  • You may even require to include a short video to entice our customers
  • It can help to consider your customers’ pain points

Landing page software

The first part of the puzzle is using landing page software. There are quite a few on the market, however, the ones I am most familiar with are Unbounce and Zoho Landing Pages.

I used Unbounce for many years and to be honest, in over five years, I haven’t really seen many changes or improvements that one may expect in this time.

That’s why I’ve switched to Zoho Landing pages.

My main bugbear with Unbounce is that for every page you build with Unbounce, you have to double your work by also formatting a mobile page. On top of this, there is no middle-ground view. It’s either desktop or mobile, so tablet users are not catered for.

Zoho’s solution is a fully responsive solution which automatically resizes your original design. Meaning you only need to build your page once.

Asides from these key points, Zoho’s landing page software is currently a beta version which means that it is free. Unbounce prices start at around $70 per month although there is a free 30-day trial.

Building the landing page

One of the best ways I’ve heard a landing page lead magnet described is to make your offer sound so incredibly good that the user would be crazy not to take it.

In the case of this landing page, I’ve created a downloadable PDF that is free for the user to download.

Here are some key components that I have found work well on landing pages.

Call to action

A simple call to action with an effective message can be the difference between your landing page being a success or failing miserably. Try out different text on your CTA. Here are some examples that you may want to test:

  • Download My eBook
  • Download eBook Instantly
  • Get My Free eBook
  • Yes I Want My Free eBook

As you can see from this shortlist, the possibilities are almost endless. What’s important is that you create a great CTA that is just right for the product or service you are promoting.

Form Placement

Make sure the form is ‘above the fold’ on the desktop view. In these days of multiple device views, there is still some credence going to the form being visible right away on desktop view.

Keep copy short and to the point. Your landing page should only have one action for the user to complete. Tell them what to do, preferably right next to your form, above the fold. Just a few words can make all the difference. Keep in mind what your target audience is after

Hero Image

Your hero image should be striking and instantly recognisable. If you are providing an e-Book download, it can help to show an illustration of how the e-book or brochure may look in real life. Show a visual representation of what the user will receive when they submit their details and access the download. Do this by generating a mock-up image of your download. Envato Events provides a free 7-day trial which will allow you to download mock-ups of downloadable PDFs. This can really bring your download to life.

Experiment with different types of mock-ups. Maybe a representation of an actual booklet will work for you. Or perhaps a visual of a person reading your booklet on a tablet or laptop will cover better for you. There’s only one way to find out and that’s what leads to the next essential component required to build your high-converting landing page.

Split testing

In order to succeed and build your successful landing page, testing components of your page is essential. Luckily Google provides a free piece of nifty software called Google Optimize.

Using Google Optimize you can test blocks of text, imagery, button colours, button text and more. In fact, anything you can think of on your page, you can test the effect that providing an alternative as part of an ab split test can make.

Setting up testing using Google Optimize is quick, relatively easy and best of all totally free. 

Search Intent

Lastly, in order for your landing page to successfully convert, you need to be sure of precisely what intentions your customer or users have.

In the case of a PPC ad, the keywords you target and the ad copy you use must align with the landing page. As soon as the visitor lands on your page you really want to grab the reader’s attention.

There is no point throwing your keywords against the wall to see which ones stick. Keep your target keyphrases laser focused and you will see better results.

What is the average conversion rate of a landing page?

It can be tough to say what a good landing page conversion rate may be but in my experience creating landing pages specifically for lead generation, anything above 8% conversion rate I would be happy with. Get above 10% and you’re doing really well.

Anything below 5% and personally, I would be going back to the landing page and looking at what I could change.

Don’t trash your entire landing page even if it isn’t converting though. The first items to look at should be your page heading, and your copy, particularly focusing on that unique selling point and your hero image.

Remember you can always improve your conversion rates by using split testing (See Google Optimize).

Value proposition

Working with the right value proposition is the key to creating the highest quality landing page. The value prop should continue from the ad to the headline on the landing page, as well as the text and submit buttons. The best quote I ever heard about building landing pages is ‘Make the offer so good that your customer would be mad not to take it.’

The Psychology of colours

Can colour effective landing page conversions? Well yes in so much as they play a key part in your landing page design. However, will different colours have a psychological effect on your customers and make them more inclined to convert? In my opinion, it’s highly unlikely.

But if you wanted to test this out, a great way of doing this is to test the colour of your call to action button. This can easily be done again with split testing software. Google Optimize allows you to test up to four different colours as part of a multivariate test.

Why do landing pages convert better?

A landing page has one purpose alone – and that is to convert visitors into sales prospects. A great landing page may have a similar design or theme to your main website, but it behaves differently. On a regular website, messages and call-to-action buttons can get lost in the noise.

A landing page exists only to drive visitors into the sales funnel. More often than not, the simpler the landing page design, the better it will perform. Keep that in mind. And only have one action that you want your visitors to take. More than one is too confusing for the purposes of a landing page.